The Collectible Animal Figurines

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The Collectible Animal Figurines

Animal figurines are miniature figurines which represent living creatures, either as lovely collectors' items, toys or decorative objects. They may be made from porcelain, clay, ceramic or metal. Figurine art came into vogue during the late eighteenth century in Italy and England, where it was highly prized as a status symbol. Today, they remain popular.

Figurine manufacturers in Venice, Austria, developed animal figurines during the seventeen hundreds. These figures were made from clay or similar medium and may have been inspired by Italian animal statuettes such as the reclining swan. In recent times, more durable materials have become popular for making these figurines. Ceramic and porcelain were used until the mid nineteen hundreds, when more durable metals such as aluminum and stainless steel were introduced. In addition, newer technologies such as dye-sublimation and computer aided design were applied to the process.

Today animal figurines are produced on a larger scale and can be found in a variety of styles and price ranges. Smaller animal figurines in the form of figurine art are quite common in gift boxes and for display purposes at home. Many people prefer these animals as they come closer to life than many other varieties of figurines. Figurines range from domestic dogs and cats, to horses, pigs, elephants, hippos and giraffes. Some of these animals have become so popular that they now grace the pages of children's books, greeting cards and wall murals.

Some animal figurines have become so popular that they are being marketed as gifts to collectors. Figurine retailers have started to offer animal figurine gifts and even specialty shops. Many retailers now sell animal figurines in a variety of styles, sizes, shapes, colors and formats. There is a specialized market for this type of collectible and has become so much more popular that it is fast approaching collectors' item status.

Modern-day artists often give their figurines a colorful infusion of color and fur to make them stand out from the traditional animal figurines of the ancient periods. Artists often imbibe their creativity with aspects of nature itself such as birds, rivers, flowers and insects. Fur patterns on some animal figurines can be compared to different colors found in nature, with tusks being typical examples of floral motifs.

Many people now choose to purchase an animal figurine collection as a meaningful heirloom. The artists involved in the process often contribute financially to support conservation efforts as well as aiding in the preservation of wild habitats and animals. The artists and artisans who produce these items work to promote a love of all animals and a respect for our natural environment. If you want a special gift that will last beyond your wedding or baptism, consider purchasing an original and beautiful piece of animal figurine art. They will be a treasure that will be enjoyed for generations.

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